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Protecting Device Storage Using Windows UWF

Protecting Device Storage Using Windows UWF

In this blog we'll explore how the Windows UWF, Unified Write Filter can help protect device storage against product cybersecurity. The Unified Write Filter (UWF) is a Windows native feature that ensures a system’s data remains as an unmodified, secure baseline.  Data...

5 Best Practices That Could Have Protected You From Log4J

5 Best Practices That Could Have Protected You From Log4J

Log4j:  What Is It? On December 9, 2021, a critical exploit named "Log4j" was disclosed to the world.  This exploit was particularly harrowing due to the fact that the software library which it targeted is so widely utilized.  “Log4Shell” (CVE-2021-44228,...

Security layers on a modern website

Security layers on a modern website

Last time, we looked at a basic website design.   Now it’s time to start digging into the details around what’s really being used behind the scenes.   This time, we’ll focus on security aspects.  When a user starts their browser and connects...

Cyber Security in Medical Device Design

Cyber Security in Medical Device Design

With the push by big technology players (Cisco, Google, Intel, etc.) towards connectivity in everyday devices, cyber security is becoming more and more crucial. This push is even seen in medical device design as the industry begins to move toward cloud-integrated and...

Modern Medical Device Design in the IoT Era

Modern Medical Device Design in the IoT Era

In the past, medical device design focused on a standalone unit or a group of a couple devices that worked together. While that was a great idea, the number of compatibility issues that could occur also blocked connectivity to other devices. With the stream of new...

Are You Asking The Right Cloud Security Questions?

Are You Asking The Right Cloud Security Questions?

In my most recent blog articles, I discussed a few aspects an organization might want to consider when looking at a cloud-based solution. Security is one of the top issues on the list. Regardless of whether your application consists of highly sensitive patient data...

Enterprise Storage – Do you really get what you pay for?

Enterprise Storage – Do you really get what you pay for?

In my last blog post, I touched on my experience with Network Appliance filers and remote server monitoring.  This week, I will be discussing alternative storage solutions, and how they measure up to one of the biggest players in the Network Attached Storage...