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Security and Compliance – What Your Company Needs to Know Part 2: MBSA

Security and Compliance – What Your Company Needs to Know Part 2: MBSA

You need more than just an antivirus and security suite to keep your system safe. You need multiple, non-redundant solutions covering various aspects of network security. In our last blog, we discussed the role of whitelisting in keeping your network secure. Now we’re...

Four Steps to Securing Your Company’s Medical Devices

Four Steps to Securing Your Company’s Medical Devices

Connected medical devices offer enormous opportunity for manufacturers and consumers alike. They also carry the burden of increased risk due to cybersecurity flaws. Think about the dangers of having your email or bank account hacked. Now consider the damage hacking a...

How Cyber Security Requirements Can Throw your Medical Device Off Track

How Cyber Security Requirements Can Throw your Medical Device Off Track

In our last article we talked about the four steps your organization must go through when designing secure connected medical devices. With the increasing attention paid to product security in this era of connected medical devices, many companies are scrambling to keep...

CAPA:  A Review of 21 C.F.R. §820.100 and FDA Warning Letter Trends

CAPA: A Review of 21 C.F.R. §820.100 and FDA Warning Letter Trends

SPK and Associates routinely review warning letters to help our clients stay in step with FDA trends.   One of the problem areas most often cited in company audits continue to be the CAPA system/program.   This month we will take a look at some of the latest FDA...