Here is the VLOG transcript for Chris McHale, CEO of SPK, Director of Engineering Ed Chung and Shahab Taherian discussing virtual CAD (vCAD) use cases for mechanical simulation and CFD simulation. Your hosts Chris McHale –...
Choosing The Right Tools For DevOps
As SPK’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, our customers always have the same question for me. Technology leaders and executives repeatedly ask me, “Michael, what are the best tools for DevOps?” or “I want to use xyz tool. Is it the best?” These are hard...
Top 6 Ways To Improve Your DevOps Journey
Knowing how to improve DevOps can be challenging. But, creating an integrated DevOps toolchain can set organizations apart from the rest. This is because having a well-defined business DevOps journey can reduce errors, improve collaboration and drastically increase...
2022: The Year So Far Tech Review
There’s been a lot of innovation, software and product releases in the past six months alone. So, we are rounding up the best tech review and engineering releases for the first half of 2022. The tech forecast for 2022 was heavily influenced by how the world adjusted...
The Best CAD Laptop 2022
For decades, mechanical CAD (MCAD) has heavily relied on top of the range workstations, resources and graphics cards. Now, users are moving to more portable options, it’s no surprise they're searching for the best CAD laptop. Previously, desktop and laptop CAD users...
Migrate Jira and Confluence To The Cloud
Many businesses want to migrate Jira to the Cloud. In this case study we explore the common migration challenges. You'll also discover how SPK helped a leading national consumer financing company overcome their own migration experience. The Migrate Jira To Cloud...
Jenkins vs Bamboo – What’s The Difference?
Fewer bugs in releases, availability to constant updates and better deployments are the stuff DevOps dreams are made of. Continuous integration (CI) tools like Bamboo and Jenkins both boast a wealth of CI opportunities. They help streamline and remove tedious tasks...
How To Start Your Manufacturing Hybrid Cloud Migration
How Hybrid Cloud solutions boost manufacturing businesses Hybrid cloud migration is becoming more and more prominent. Why? Well, the cloud has been proving its worth for years now. In particular, it showed exceptional value, capability and adoption at the peak of the...
10 Tips For Your Cloud Migration Strategy
Considering cloud migration to strengthen and grow your current on-prem capability? This blog is designed to help you identify a cloud migration strategy for your business. The cloud has become an essential element of digital transformation in businesses of all sizes....
Atlassian Team 22 Announcements – Part 2/2
Welcome back to Atlassian Team 22 Announcements This follow up blog deep dives into even more exciting Atlassian Team 22 updates announced in Las Vegas, April 2022. Read part 1, then explore part 2 below. Part 2 provides a deeper review on Atlassian’s DevOps...
Kubernetes – what is it? Here is the VLOG transcript for our Kubernetes 101 looking to answer "Kubernetes, what is it?", and Kubernetes deployment. Hello, my name is Jeff Dusk. I’m part of the CloudBees core team and we're going to go over Kubernetes 101. Overview...
Virtual Engineering Workstations or Desktops for Design Engineers? Overview Here is the VLOG transcript for Chris McHale, CEO of SPK, and Director of Engineering Ed Chung discussing vCAD reviews, use cases, and whether desktop is better than virtual. Your host Chris McHale – Co-founder and CEO of SPK and...