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Enterprise Storage – Do you really get what you pay for?

Enterprise Storage – Do you really get what you pay for?

In my last blog post, I touched on my experience with Network Appliance filers and remote server monitoring.  This week, I will be discussing alternative storage solutions, and how they measure up to one of the biggest players in the Network Attached Storage...

Network Storage – Getting the most from your filesystem

Network Storage – Getting the most from your filesystem

In my last blog entry, I mentioned that I would discuss how to roll your own network attached storage device. At first, this might sound trivial. Take any commodity PC hardware, throw a large disk in there, install linux, configure NFS, done. Not so fast, there are...

Leveraging Netapp’s Deduplication Feature

Leveraging Netapp’s Deduplication Feature

We recently obtained the necessary licenses required to enable one of our clients' FAS2050 filers for deduplication.  Currently, deduplication is offered by Netapp for free.  You simply need to get in touch with your reseller and request both ASIS licenses...

Redhat vs. Ubuntu in a Corporate Environment

Redhat vs. Ubuntu in a Corporate Environment

Picking a linux distribution can be an extremely daunting task.  Wikipedia lists at least several hundred of them, although many of them are targeted for very specific hardware architectures or embedded devices.  In the PC world, there are still a ton to...

Infrastructure Systems: Cloud, Hybrid, and IPv6

Infrastructure Systems: Cloud, Hybrid, and IPv6

I recently returned from TechEd North America 2014, which was in Houston, TX this year. There were hundreds of vendors and around 10,000 attendees. One of the hottest topics this year was the topic of Cloud – what does it mean for the enterprise and how does it affect...

3 Advantages of Purchasing a VMware Solution

3 Advantages of Purchasing a VMware Solution

Has your organization started integrating virtual infrastructure into your overall IT services plan? If not, a quote from Star Trek may be in order, "Resistance is futile." In today’s IT world, the likelihood that your organization is running some sort of...

How a Possible VMWare Spin Off Affects your Company

How a Possible VMWare Spin Off Affects your Company

A possible EMC/VMWare spin off is in the works, which could benefit stock prices and investors, but what about companies relying on VMWare's high availability virtualization software? Would a spin off mean improved technology focus, or a shift in the virtual machine...

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1

In any type of Requirements management or development system, the ability to track metrics on what is being done is an important component of knowing where you are in your delivery cycle. This article will be the kick off in a series of articles that will discuss how...

Configuring PTC Integrity to use a Remote FLEXnet License Service

Configuring PTC Integrity to use a Remote FLEXnet License Service

You may want to add a new PTC Integrity development and/or test server to your existing PTC Integrity production environment -- and rather than have separate license files on each server, you want to access the already plentiful licenses on your PTC Integrity...

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 2

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 2

In my previous entitled “Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1” I introduced the out of the box traceability metrics that come with PTC Integrity, and talked a little bit about how they work. In this article I will build on that by showing how you can...