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Medical Device Engineering

Medical Device Interoperability: A $30B opportunity?

Medical Device Interoperability: A $30B opportunity?

Greater medical device interoperability and the adoption of commonly accepted standards could save the US in excess of $30B, suggests a West Health Institute report published in March. Lack of device interoperability creates significant waste and risk to patient...

Cyber Security in Medical Device Design

Cyber Security in Medical Device Design

With the push by big technology players (Cisco, Google, Intel, etc.) towards connectivity in everyday devices, cyber security is becoming more and more crucial. This push is even seen in medical device design as the industry begins to move toward cloud-integrated and...

Wearable Medical Devices: The Latest Medical Device Design Trend

Wearable Medical Devices: The Latest Medical Device Design Trend

As humans, we depend on feedback. Everyone likes feedback, whether a glance in the mirror, a friendly compliment or financial reward for a great job. Now thanks to the advancement of medical device design, high tech trends, and use of micro-computers, you can get...

Modern Medical Device Design in the IoT Era

Modern Medical Device Design in the IoT Era

In the past, medical device design focused on a standalone unit or a group of a couple devices that worked together. While that was a great idea, the number of compatibility issues that could occur also blocked connectivity to other devices. With the stream of new...

Medical Device Development: First to Market

Medical Device Development: First to Market

In the world of fast competitive marketing, a lot of attention goes to the first company who develops a creative breakthrough and comes out with a cool new device first. New technology in the medical device market has resulted in several new products which include;...

Tackling Email Archiving Regulations

Tackling Email Archiving Regulations

Whether or not your in a heavily regulated industry, having a solid email archiving solution is an absolute necessity. Email’s importance in the workplace for the past decade-and-a-half is similar to the need of having a dial tone in years past. In addition, email is...

Leveraging PTC Integrity as a Medical Device Solution

Leveraging PTC Integrity as a Medical Device Solution

When you first purchase PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager, what you are getting is pretty much a blank canvas. To assist you in getting your operation off the ground, PTC also provides a number of different pre-built solutions. These solutions have been designed to...

Requirements Management in the PTC Medical Device Solution

Requirements Management in the PTC Medical Device Solution

One of the major points of pain in any development process is how do you prove that the product you’ve built for the marketplace actually does everything you want it to do. The simple answer of course is “Why you test it to make sure.” But the simple answer isn’t...