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Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1

In any type of Requirements management or development system, the ability to track metrics on what is being done is an important component of knowing where you are in your delivery cycle. This article will be the kick off in a series of articles that will discuss how...

Configuring PTC Integrity to use a Remote FLEXnet License Service

Configuring PTC Integrity to use a Remote FLEXnet License Service

You may want to add a new PTC Integrity development and/or test server to your existing PTC Integrity production environment -- and rather than have separate license files on each server, you want to access the already plentiful licenses on your PTC Integrity...

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 2

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 2

In my previous entitled “Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1” I introduced the out of the box traceability metrics that come with PTC Integrity, and talked a little bit about how they work. In this article I will build on that by showing how you can...

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 3

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 3

In my previous articles, I discussed how we can calculate trace report metrics, and then gather them into a report. In this report, I am going to discuss how we can gather similar metrics and put them into a chart format. This time though we are going to use a field...

Integrating your PTC Integrity Environment with Windchill

Integrating your PTC Integrity Environment with Windchill

PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager and PTC Windchill are two enterprise level applications that many large companies have invested in as part of their product development environment. Often time’s companies will use PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager to handle the software...

An Overview of PTC Integrity Test Management

An Overview of PTC Integrity Test Management

Major portions of any PTC Integrity Solution are the test artifacts. Many customers when they initially start to look at PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager are generally looking at it as way of managing their requirements, or as a way of maintaining compliance in highly...

Risk Management in the PTC Integrity Medical Device Solution

Risk Management in the PTC Integrity Medical Device Solution

An important part of creating any product intended for use in the medical field is that the manufacturer should have identified all of the risks involved in using the device, and have done their best to mitigate those risks before their product ever sees a patient....

Leveraging PTC Integrity as a Medical Device Solution

Leveraging PTC Integrity as a Medical Device Solution

When you first purchase PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager, what you are getting is pretty much a blank canvas. To assist you in getting your operation off the ground, PTC also provides a number of different pre-built solutions. These solutions have been designed to...

Integrity to Windchill Integration: A Product Demo

Integrity to Windchill Integration: A Product Demo

In a previous blog article I discussed, at a high level, the Integrity to Windchill integration for PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager. Now that we have seen some of the context of how the Integration is supposed to work, I thought it would be a good idea to actually...

How a Document actually looks in PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager

How a Document actually looks in PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager

By now you have probably seen literally dozens of articles I’ve written on PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager, talking about the ins and outs of various pieces of functionality. Today I thought it was time to go into greater detail on documents and how they are...

Our Top Technology Stories in 2017 and 2018 Industry Predictions

Our Top Technology Stories in 2017 and 2018 Industry Predictions

SPK wants to wish our growing subscriber community a Happy New Year! We’re honored to be welcomed onto your desktops and smartphones to share stories on how to make your engineering team and company work more efficiently. Perhaps more importantly, we hope any...