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Electric Commander: Performance Comparison Between ectool and ec-perl

Electric Commander: Performance Comparison Between ectool and ec-perl

Prior to version 5.2, Electric Commander has offered two primary ways to access the API for scripting purposes: ectool and ec-perl. Both allow users to accomplish virtually any task within Commander, but it’s important to note there is a significant performance...

Continuous Builds – A Customer Experience

Continuous Builds – A Customer Experience

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC): In our last article we discussed speeding up your build by leveraging tools such as Electric Accelerator. In this article we will discuss the process of Continuous Integration (CI) along with a customer experience utilizing...

How to Obtain Electric Commander Metrics for Use in a GWT Plugin

How to Obtain Electric Commander Metrics for Use in a GWT Plugin

Developed by Electric Cloud, Electric Commander is an extremely versatile tool for enhancing and automating your organization’s software development build-test-deploy cycle. Commander makes it possible to eliminate unnecessary lag time between phases of the...