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Setting up Web metrics with Webalizer

Setting up Web metrics with Webalizer

When managing websites, it's important to have metrics on the site for both admin and content owners. One of the easiest ways to do this is Webalizer. It is a free tool that uses the Apache access log to provide a graphical presentation of usage. Attached is a quick...

Web Proxy Server Uses

Web Proxy Server Uses

With websites, it's important to have a consistent method to gate keep incoming connections. This is primarily to maintain security and ensure a common access point for all traffic. Web proxy servers allow channeling of traffic and proxy content from internal servers...

How to install and configure ntop for CentOS/RHEL 6

How to install and configure ntop for CentOS/RHEL 6

In my last blog post, I gave 5 reasons to use ntop (Network TOP) to monitor your company's network. The tool is actually very straightforward to install and configure for infrastructure management, but there are a few steps you'll need to do before you're monitoring...

Configuring FTP services on a website

Configuring FTP services on a website

Every administrator runs into the FTP question eventually: Can we get FTP for our site?  Setting up FTP is relatively easy with a few concerns around security. Old FTP sites were prone to security holes and configurations that were difficult. With vsftpd, the host...

Hybrid Cloud Implementation Pitfalls Your Small Business Needs to Avoid

Hybrid Cloud Implementation Pitfalls Your Small Business Needs to Avoid

If you’re like many SMBs, IT infrastructure is not your favorite topic. You think about it when you have to, which means that it often becomes neglected, lagging behind other capital investments. What’s more, there’s a good chance your current IT  solutions are...

Five Hybrid Cloud Implementation Pitfalls an SMB can Avoid

Five Hybrid Cloud Implementation Pitfalls an SMB can Avoid

You likely know your company's IT infrastructure must be upgraded soon. However, you may be avoiding it due to perceived cost or difficulty. The good news is that you don’t have to make large capital expenditures to expand and update your IT infrastructure. Hybrid...