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Integration and Workflow

Navigating the High Costs of Product Launch Delays

Navigating the High Costs of Product Launch Delays

Delaying a product launch can have significant financial repercussions that extend far beyond the immediate costs.  It is important to understand how these delays can impact an organization. Having this knowledge can transform an organization’s strategic plans and...

Empowering Businesses to Thrive with Azure

Empowering Businesses to Thrive with Azure

The pressure to innovate faster, increase efficiency, and reduce costs is ever present in the tech industry.  What’s even more difficult is trying to achieve all of these goals while also maintaining world-class security and sustainability. Using best-in-class tools...

Integrating Jira with Azure DevOps for Seamless Operations

Integrating Jira with Azure DevOps for Seamless Operations

In SPK’s over 20 years of experience, we’ve found that efficiency and seamless collaboration are key to helping clients get their products to market quickly. Many organizations find themselves relying on both Atlassian's Jira and/or Microsoft's Azure DevOps to manage...

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: People

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: People

There are things in every system that if they fail will cause the entire system to be crippled. These single points of failure can be hardware based, software based or even people based. If a problem occurs in these sensitive areas then an entire business can grind to...

Automating Every Window Application with Macros

Automating Every Window Application with Macros

It’s pretty awful to have repetitive tasks occupy the majority of our days. Our team always employs methods of decreasing “boring” overhead; often, this is done through Application implementations and Process Workflow changes. When there’s no other way, you can...

Agile Software Development and Jira Software

Agile Software Development and Jira Software

Unlocking the Power of Collaboration and Efficiency Tired of trying to overcome the pain points of traditional software development methods? Frustrated with slow project delivery? Struggling with team collaboration? Version control nightmares? Worry no more. You can...

STRATTEC Security Corporation’s PTC Windchill PLM ROI Case Study

STRATTEC Security Corporation’s PTC Windchill PLM ROI Case Study

STRATTEC Security Corporation deployed PTC Windchill to replace its existing product lifecycle management (PLM) solution. Additionally, they wanted to improve product design tracking and collaboration. Nucleus found that PTC Windchill PLM enables increased...