Why would the average engineer want to create and use a virtual machine on their laptop or workstation? After all, usually an engineer has a perfectly good machine to work with, right? That may be true. Perhaps the engineer may even have access to more than one...
Requirements/Test Management
How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?
I’m just going to come out and say it: I drank the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid. My coworkers mock me, and I accept this. But darn it, I want to believe! (and it tastes a lot better than what I was drinking before.) And it's certainly better than if I wandered over to the...
Leveraging PTC Integrity for IEC 62304 Compliance
Executive Summary Our medical device customers report that up to 70% of new product innovation is being created in the software domain. This represents an increase in both volume and complexity. In this white paper, you'll learn: The 3 different use cases explained A...
7 Ways to Fight Feature Creep
I was recently involved in a project in which the goal was to streamline and automate a manual software deployment process using Electric Cloud's product ElectricCommander. The Scope of Work was laid out, development was underway, and my coworker and I felt very...
Is the Cloud the Best for Application Management Services?
As the push towards the cloud continues, the inertia of its popularity can leave CTOs with the impression that the world is black and white with only two options: in the cloud or not in the cloud. The nuances and diversity of solutions can therefore be lost in the...
Troubleshoot Common Application & Network Issues with tcpdump
Here's a common situation: you manage an application; you haven't gone through a release; no patches have been applied (to your knowledge); and the infrastructure guys say that they haven't touched the network in ages. But a user calls, and to your...
PTC Integrity (RV&S) — Test Management Demo
A Demonstration of PTC Integrity’s Test Management functionality – By Jim Winder
How to Ramp Up Your New Product Development While Servicing Your Existing Customers
To succeed in any market, a company needs to innovate, pioneer and push out the borders. The recent one-year anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs reminds of one of the tech industries greatest comeback stories. Apple's key to success, other than the charisma of Jobs...
Understanding Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development methodology that uses small and frequent incremental changes to the code base, which are incorporated into a rapid build and test environment. Each change integrated into the source repository is verified by the...
Insights from Greenlight Guru’s 2023 MedTech Industry Benchmark Report
In a year of unexpected twists, the medical technology (MedTech) industry finds itself amidst shifting sands. So, Greenlight Guru’s 2023 MedTech Industry Benchmark Report is a treasure trove of insights into MedTech trends and the landscape. Let's deep dive into some...
Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander
Repeatability is a intuitive aspect of daily life. If you throw a ball up, it must come down. If you throw it twenty times, the same thing will happen, up and then down. When repeatability doesn't occur we get anxious. Repeatability is equally an essential quality in...
ElectricCommander Custom Dashboards: How to Visualize Your Build Data
Whenever I get a chance to see any kind of motor racing I am amazed at how many displays the engineers use to watch and monitor all the data coming from the cars. Modern performance racing cars produce a lot of data about the engine, tires, fuel consumption,...