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AWS Well Architected Framework Consultants

As your business and needs change, so do your infrastructure needs.  The same applies to AWS services.  The question is, how do you stay ahead and build the most secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure possible?

AWS has created the Well Architected Framework in an effort to provide cloud architects with a secure, high-performing, resilient and efficient cloud infrastrucutre plan.  This framework provides a consistent approach for AWS customers to evaluate architectures, and implement designs that will scale over time.

SPK’s certified expert team is ready to support you and the AWS Well-Architected Framework through our Well Architected Review services.


Schedule your AWS Well Architected Review today!

AWS Well Architected Framework

Your AWS environment changes constantly, whether you’re aware of it or not. Your infrastructure team will spin up and down new instances, change security groups, and experiment with new AWS services. AWS makes platform changes that could increase efficiency but could also have a detremental effect on your systems and usage of AWS services. Because of this, AWS recommends you conduct a Well Architected Review every 12-18 months.

The Well Architected Review is a systematic approach to evaluating AWS architectures and can help you identify and fix potential issues with your environment before they start. AWS Well Architected Framework is a comprehensive set of AWS best practices and is the foundation for the Review.

The core parts of the AWS Well Architected Framwork are:

Operational Excellence



Performance Efficiency

Cost Optimization

Well Architected Review Process

During the Well Architected Review (WAR), an SPK certified AWS expert will review your workload using the AWS Well Architected tool against the five pillars listed above.  Upon completion of the review, SPK will provide a report summarizing your workload review, and a dashboard where you can view the results of workload reviews across the organization. These detailed findings can be reviewed by your internal teams in order to remediate issues yourself, or you can decide to engage with SPK or any other AWS partner for additional improvements to your infrastructure according to AWS best practices.

Schedule your AWS Review Today

Executing an AWS WAR just takes a few days of your time and could result in thousands of dollars or more in savings, plus a more efficient environment.  There isn’t anything to lose.  Contact SPK’s experts today.

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