As a provider of engineering services, the majority of my projects involve developing GWT applications, and I do all my work almost exclusively in Ubuntu. Ubuntu 12.04, specifically, has many convenient features and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get their start in the world of Linux distributions.
That said, I found installing the Oracle Java 7 JDK, and the latest version of Eclipse (Kepler) to be surprisingly tricky — neither one is in the Ubuntu Software Center. Oracle’s Java 7 is not officially supported by Ubuntu and the version of Eclipse in the Ubuntu Software Center is two versions behind (Indigo).
My free document provides a simple walkthrough to bring you from a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 to being ready for GWT application development. Click here to download Installing JDK 7 – Kepler – GWT on Ubuntu 12.04.
David Hubbell
Software Engineer
SPK and Associates