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High Tech

How to Create Easy Engineering Design Automation Fixes

How to Create Easy Engineering Design Automation Fixes

In one of our recent articles, we highlighted opportunities for automation, specifically for MCAD (mechanical computer-aided design) and PDM (product data management) activities in your organization. In this next installment, we hope to provide you with other examples...

Maximizing Continuous Delivery with CloudBees

Maximizing Continuous Delivery with CloudBees

Over the last 5 years, the number of companies that utilize the practices of Continuous Delivery (CD) soared. In fact, a 2014 white paper from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) revealed more than 70% of companies utilize various CD practices! Though EMA published...

How to Maximize Engineering Design Automation for CAD/PDM

How to Maximize Engineering Design Automation for CAD/PDM

In recent years, interest in engineering design automation across multiple industries skyrocketed, especially due to the high return on investment (ROI). Relieving your engineers from tedious, error-prone tasks and directing them toward automation presents a fantastic...

How Workflow Integration Boosts Engineering Productivity

How Workflow Integration Boosts Engineering Productivity

How to solve the problem that hides in plain sight Engineers rarely talk about “workflow integration” for items like CAD files or project data management (PDM). They’re too busy doing their jobs! However, that exact mindset presents a major issue. Many engineers think...

Test Management in Windchill RV&S (PTC Integrity)

Test Management in Windchill RV&S (PTC Integrity)

The importance of test management, especially in highly-regulated industries, cannot be overstated. Efficient management of testing requirements leads to safer products, effective production, and satisfied customers. The PTC Windchill Requirements Validation &...

Is The IT Department Really “Dead?”

Is The IT Department Really “Dead?”

“It’s Time to Get Rid of the IT Department.”  That was the title of an opinion piece recently published in the Wall Street Journal.  Provocative?  Sure.  My answer to this is not “yes,” but many of the author’s points are valid.  The Same Old IT Department? No, the IT...

3 Top Trends in Product Lifecycle Engineering Tools

3 Top Trends in Product Lifecycle Engineering Tools

Overview In 2015, SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale spoke with Peter Thorne, Director at Cambashi, a Cambridge, England-based independent industry analyst firm. With his over 30 years of experience as a software engineer user, vendor, and now analyst, Peter’s...

PTC Integrity – Risk Management Demo (out of the box)

PTC Integrity – Risk Management Demo (out of the box)

Cras suscipit orci at augue volutpat, ut luctus sapien ultricies. Nam vitae dolor sit amet quam pharetra scelerisque. Donec efficitur lacus felis, at ullamcorper enim molestie id. Aliquam faucibus semper neque et scelerisque. In ultrices iaculis sem metus.

Can IoT Jump These Five Hurdles?

Can IoT Jump These Five Hurdles?

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vel neque a augue interdum eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Integer luctus massa ut ligula tincidunt accumsan. Proin a ullamcorper sem. Etiam at erat quis justo sollicitudin hendrerit. Aliquam massa ligula nullam.

SPK (Capabilities + Character) = Client Trust (Q1 2018 Newsletter)

SPK (Capabilities + Character) = Client Trust (Q1 2018 Newsletter)

For more than two decades, it has been SPK and Associates' privilege to support our clients’ varied engineering and systems integration needs. We're grateful for the opportunity to be useful to them all, in their various markets. We support a gamut of needs: From...

Incorporating Accessibility Into Your Software Engineering Projects

Incorporating Accessibility Into Your Software Engineering Projects

Are you missing out on reaching 25% of the US population with your current software engineering project? Maybe the elderly, at 13% of the population, aren't part of your target market, or maybe it's the 12% of the US population who are disabled that you aren't...