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PDM/PLM-Product Data and Lifecycle Management

New Podcast: Talking Beyond PLM with PLM Expert Oleg Shilovitsky

New Podcast: Talking Beyond PLM with PLM Expert Oleg Shilovitsky

SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale previously spoke with PLM expert Oleg Shilovitsky, founder of BeyondPLM.com, to get his top three product lifecycle management (PLM) predictions for 2015. Now they are teaming up monthly to discuss relevant industry items...

What Happened to Google Wave? A Look at Collaboration Alternatives

What Happened to Google Wave? A Look at Collaboration Alternatives

Two years ago, Google announced a new product: Wave. Their (and I use the term loosely, since all new Google products seem to come from the same giant, faceless Googleplex) original goal was to unify messaging – have you thought about how many tools you use to...

Top 5 Reasons to Conduct an IT Outsourcing Re-Evaluation

Top 5 Reasons to Conduct an IT Outsourcing Re-Evaluation

IT outsourcing contracts, as noted in a recent blog post, should be treated as living documents -- continuously evaluated, refined, and optimized over time. Not only do business conditions continually change, but it’s also important for outsourcing customers to...

How Code Reviews Reduce SDLC Costs

How Code Reviews Reduce SDLC Costs

Bugs can be introduced anywhere in the software development lifecycle, from the early stages (requirements gathering etc) right up to the final shipping of the project. The most expensive types of bugs to fix are those introduced earliest and fixed latest. For...

4 Reasons to Use Static Analysis on Your Codebase

4 Reasons to Use Static Analysis on Your Codebase

All of us who work in software development want the products that we release to be high quality, and also low cost to maintain in the field. This is no big revelation; it’s common knowledge, and it’s common sense. It’s not clear that there is any silver bullet in...

Five Steps to Take if Your IT Outsourcing Agreement Goes South

Five Steps to Take if Your IT Outsourcing Agreement Goes South

IT outsourcing relationships can be fraught with challenges, ranging from communications breakdowns between client and provider to issues surrounding performance. If an IT outsourcing agreement isn’t meeting your company’s expectations (e.g. SLA targets are missed;...

SDLC Basics: The Vision Statement

SDLC Basics: The Vision Statement

In the Beginning In the beginning, there was an idea. The idea took shape and became a project. The project became an application and the application got used. Or maybe it didn't get used. Maybe it was completely the wrong application for the business. Or maybe it was...

The Project Management Skills Gap

The Project Management Skills Gap

When it comes to product innovation and project development, the role of the project manager cannot be underestimated. That's why it's important to take an objective look at the skills and resources available in your organization and determine if a skills gap exists...