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PDM/PLM-Product Data and Lifecycle Management

Continuous Integration Best Practices—Part 4

Continuous Integration Best Practices—Part 4

As I noted in other articles in this "Continuous Integration Best Practices" Series (click here for Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3", there are 10 best practice principles associated with Continuous Integration and in this previous articles, we covered the first eight. In...

What Do Late Product Launches REALLY Cost?

What Do Late Product Launches REALLY Cost?

Your engineering team’s product launch date just slipped a week. Should you spend $20,000 on an outside engineering service to get the release back on schedule? In these situations, making the right decision quickly requires reliable information and analysis.  As more...

The 12 Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto

The 12 Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto

Last March we introduced "The 12 Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto," a multi-part series that examined the key principles behind an effective agile development strategy. Over the course of this series we have introduced the principles, defined them, and...

Declutter your multi-computer desktop with ‘Mouse without Borders’

Declutter your multi-computer desktop with ‘Mouse without Borders’

For the everyday user with a laptop or desktop, this article may not apply. And for those of you who have no need to have more than one PC on your desk -- kudos! But from time to time, its necessary to have several PC's on your desk at the same time -- especially...

Keep Track of Passwords with Pleasant Solutions

Keep Track of Passwords with Pleasant Solutions

When involved in IT strategy consulting services, you need a way to keep track of passwords in a safe and accessible manner. There are a number of different options out there ranging from single machine managers to cloud-based services. The one I found to be a great...

Mobile CAD Applications – Ready for Primetime?

Mobile CAD Applications – Ready for Primetime?

One of the main reasons people purchase a smartphone is to have information at their fingertips. Does that apply to the world of CAD applications? The answer is very dependent on what you want to actually do with this data. Do you want to design a complex...

5 Continuous Integration Best Practices to Consider

5 Continuous Integration Best Practices to Consider

This week we would like to have a look at some continuous integration best practices. The list presented here is not exhaustive, and was inspired by a larger post on the topic at:  http://www.thoughtworks.com/continuous-integration Our purpose is to expand on some of...

Medical Device Development: First to Market

Medical Device Development: First to Market

In the world of fast competitive marketing, a lot of attention goes to the first company who develops a creative breakthrough and comes out with a cool new device first. New technology in the medical device market has resulted in several new products which include;...

Bringing Your Own Android and Developing a BYOD Policy

Bringing Your Own Android and Developing a BYOD Policy

The concept of letting employees bring their own phones and devices to work has become more and more common. Employees want to use their personal devices in the workplace without having to carry around a second device for personal use. While this helps with cost...

Bringing Your Own Apple Device and Developing a BYOD Policy

Bringing Your Own Apple Device and Developing a BYOD Policy

In today’s world, everyone has a mobile device; cell phones, tablets, or a hybrid of the two. In a blog post published on ZDNet in June 2014, Dimensional Research conducted a survey of more than 300 IT leaders, and concluded specifically Apple’s enterprise presence is...