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How to Obtain Electric Commander Metrics for Use in a GWT Plugin

Written by SPK Blog Post
Published on March 30, 2012

Developed by Electric Cloud, Electric Commander is an extremely versatile tool for enhancing and automating your organization’s software development build-test-deploy cycle.

Commander makes it possible to eliminate unnecessary lag time between phases of the development process, such as hand-offs between your development team and QA, but almost more importantly, it introduces:

  1. Standardization,
  2. R epeatability, and
  3. Reliability to your process.

Those three things are key ingredients for producing meaningful metrics.

Out of the box Commander generates a variety of useful statistics as it executes jobs: When a job was launched, who launched it, how long did the whole thing take, how long did specific steps take, what was the outcome, why did a step fail, where artifacts were stored, etc. Commander also allows users to create their own properties, specific to their needs. All of these properties are exposed to the user through a variety of tools, one of which is the GWT (Google Web Toolkit) Commander SDK.

A primary use for the GWT Commander SDK is the creation of custom dashboards to display pertinent metrics. Keep reading as we describe the general process of using the GWT Commander SDK to extract data from Commander for the purpose of developing meaningful metrics.

David Hubbell
SPK Software Engineer

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