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PDM/PLM-Product Data and Lifecycle Management

3 Top Trends in Product Lifecycle Engineering Tools

3 Top Trends in Product Lifecycle Engineering Tools

Overview In 2015, SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale spoke with Peter Thorne, Director at Cambashi, a Cambridge, England-based independent industry analyst firm. With his over 30 years of experience as a software engineer user, vendor, and now analyst, Peter’s...

PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager – Branch Extended Demo

PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager – Branch Extended Demo

SPK's Vice President of Engineering, Carlos Almeida presents a very short demo of the Branch Extended Plugin in PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager. Transcript: Carlos: Hi, this is Carlos Almeida of SPK and Associates. Today, I'm going to do a very short demo of the PTC...

PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager – Subversion Integration

PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager – Subversion Integration

Aliquam dictum sollicitudin felis, eu viverra neque elementum non. Donec dignissim imperdiet dolor, a rutrum enim vestibulum pretium. Donec eu dictum nisi. Cras eget justo augue. Duis consectetur, risus sed viverra ultrices, lorem nibh semper sapien metus.

PTC Integrity – Risk Management Demo (out of the box)

PTC Integrity – Risk Management Demo (out of the box)

Cras suscipit orci at augue volutpat, ut luctus sapien ultricies. Nam vitae dolor sit amet quam pharetra scelerisque. Donec efficitur lacus felis, at ullamcorper enim molestie id. Aliquam faucibus semper neque et scelerisque. In ultrices iaculis sem metus.

PTC Trace Report Video

PTC Trace Report Video

The video below demos a productivity add-on for PTC’s popular Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) product, PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager. As with many such products, customers have asked for more powerful and flexible reporting capabilities. SPK now offers a new...

Continuous Integration Best Practices—Part 2

Continuous Integration Best Practices—Part 2

As I noted in "Continuous Integration Best Practices—Part 1" there are 10 best practice principles associated with Continuous Integration and in this previous article, we looked at the first three. For part 2, we pick up where we left off and talk about principles...

Creating IBM Rational 7.0.x Patch Install Areas

Creating IBM Rational 7.0.x Patch Install Areas

This week we take up the topic of creating IBM Rational patch install areas for pre-7.1 versions. As we have discussed in previous weeks, there are a number of tools in Rational 7.1 and beyond that introduce much automation into patch management. However, there are...

Installing and Configuring Rational 8.1.1 RLKS and LKAD

Installing and Configuring Rational 8.1.1 RLKS and LKAD

This week’s posting deals with Rational licensing on the Windows platform. We are going to have a look at setting up a Windows Rational license server and how to configure it. It also turns out that with the arrival of Rational 7.1.2, a new version of the license...

Using the New ClearQuest Eclipse Client

Using the New ClearQuest Eclipse Client

Have you noticed that Rational ClearQuest 7.0 now comes with a new default Eclipse client? Wonder what is happening to the old Windows client and what the difference between the two is? Then this post is for you! Download the attached PDF file below to get the...

Using Rational Response Files to Install ClearCase and ClearQuest

Using Rational Response Files to Install ClearCase and ClearQuest

This week we continue on the topic of installing using IBM Installation Manager.  But with a bit of a difference.  Instead of bringing up the IM install GUI and using it to conduct the installation, we will take a step toward greater installation automation and create...

How To Use ClearCase clearfsimport and Avoid Pitfalls

How To Use ClearCase clearfsimport and Avoid Pitfalls

This week we will change things up a bit and have a look at an IBM/Rational ClearCase utility used for importing files into ClearCase source control. The utility command, clearfsimport, can be used to import any sort of file from a variety of other source control...